South African Hunting Safaris

Exclusive Hunting Safaris in Limpopo, South Africa

Our wingshoots are conducted over our wonderful pack of German Shorthaired Pointers (GSP's).  All the game birds taken are included in the daily rate. Hunts are a minimum of 3 days and groups of up to 6 hunters can be accommodated at a time, but groups of 4 are preferred. Larger groups than this can be accommodated but then we will rotate the shooters so as not to have any safety issues. We also offer combinations of plains game hunting, touring and wingshooting (prices on request).
If groups would like to combine wingshooting witha  game hunt, then fewer wingshooting days can be arranged.

All birds are from natural breeding populations, no pen-raised birds are available.

Most of our wingshooting is walk-up style. It is most enjoyable and challenging as the birds are wild and therefore fast-flying due to their survival instincts.

Species available in our area:

Some of these game bird species may be taken off the permits depending on what the Wildlie Department requires, we too will sometimes restrict a species if we notice breeding irregularities or declining populations.

Please view the Included and Not Included section in our daily rates, you can find these on the price list which can be found at the top of the Home Page 2022 Price List Button appearing with the Nyala pictire on the third Banner slider.

Remember: You can hire/rent shotguns from us and we have ammunition/shells for you to buy. We have O/U shotguns in 12Ga. For those who would prefer a 20Ga., we have one available.